Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors guides the Vera Court Neighborhood Center, Inc. agency which serves Vera Court Neighborhood Center and Bridge Lake Point Waunona Neighborhood Center.
The Vera Court Board of Directors meets on the first Monday of the month at 6:00 pm. All meetings are open to the public. If you’d like to attend a meeting, please contact the center to confirm the location.
Corinda Rainey-Moore - Community Outreach & Engagement Coordinator, Wisconsin Council on Children & Families
Vice President
David Krause - Principal, Blackhawk Middle School (retired)
Linda Hoskins - Retired Teacher
Samuel Schweder - Development & Quality Assurance Officer at ATTIC Correctional Services, Inc.
Join our Leadership Team
Are you interested in joining the Board of Directors? Please complete a self-nomination form below and submit to general@blwcenter.org or send paper copies to the BLW Center.